This customization enhances the utility and adaptability of Secure Me, making it a versatile tool across various professional and creative contexts.
Store and access all your files (documents, photos, videos) conveniently. Create folders for easy organization and retrieval.
Our generator creates strong, unique passwords for every account, making them virtually impossible to crack.
With our Zero-Knowledge Architecture, your passwords are never decrypted on our servers. Only you have access to your passwords.
Autofill passwords, forms, and two-factor authentication passcodes on all desktop and mobile devices with one click or tap.
With end-to-end encryption, your data is never accessible to us and only you can decrypt it using your secret password.
We safeguard your passwords and files with military-grade encryption, keeping your data safe from unauthorized access.
Every vault you create comes with a unique 32-byte random key, generated on your device. This key is so complex that brute-forcing it is virtually impossible.
Your data is secured with the industry-standard AES-GCM encryption algorithm, utilizing 256-bit keys. This robust encryption ensures only you can access your information.
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